Hip Mobilizer Course
How To Achieve Flexibility & Performance With Less Pain
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Built To Last! — How To Restore Function, Movement And Performance To Your Lower Body Even If You Can’t Afford A Yearly Gym Membership
What if I told you that you could move your lower body pain free through a full range of motion?
What would you think? Too good to be true?
Well guess again!
Yes that’s right it is entirely possible and it is much simpler than you think. And for the sake of your health it might be the most important thing you do.
First Off…… Some Cold Hard Facts!
In 2006, according to the CDC, nearly 30% of all Americans were suffering from joint pain. On the top of the list was knee pain making up 18% out of the original 30%.
Unfortunately, this number is rising.
According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, by the year 2030, nearly 1 out out of every 4 Americans will have some form of diagnosed arthritis.
Besides knee pain, lower back pain was the most common form of disability worldwide! More than any other condition.
But luckily for you, you discovered this article.
In this article I am going to show you how to save your back and knees and how to not become another statistic.
Your Partner In Pain?
When you want to find the culprit behind most pain in the body, it almost always comes down to poor movement.
If you look at the joint that is closest to the lower back and knees, you will find the hips.
Being one of the most powerful joints in the human body, it’s no wonder problems here can lead to problems elsewhere in the body.
If you are noticing poor movement or stiffness originating from your hips, then you absolutely need to work on your Hip Mobility.
It’s Time For A Story…
For the longest time my hips were a complete mess and I never knew why.I would hit my workouts just as hard as everyone else and for some reason squats and lower body exercises always caused problems for me.
And I was no old timer either.I was in my early 20’s!!!
I couldn’t take it anymore until one day I decided to do something about it. So I began to research.
But before I go any further, let me tell you a little bit about who I am and my background.
My name is Anthony Guttadauro. I attended Fitchburg State University in Fitchburg, Massachusetts and earned a Bachelors of Science in Exercise & Sports Science with a minor in Biotechnology.
After attending college, I decided to study and earn my Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) Certification. Which I have proudly held now for well over 4 years.
I am not telling you any of this to brag about myself, but to make a point.
You see, throughout my entire college career, certification process and high school sports, NOT ONCE was there any mention of joint mobility, hip mobility or proper movement.
The attitude was mainly focused on just getting the job done and not caring about anything else.
It is no wonder why so many people get hurt in physical activities. AND STILL DO!
I have now been a strength coach/trainer for about 7 years and I see the same problems among young and old, rich and poor and athlete and non-athlete.
Almost everybody HAS POOR HIP MOBILITY!
Whenever I perform squats with my clients I always hear the same thing, “but squats hurt my knees” or “I hate squats, I can never reach full depth and when I do I always hurt my back.”
This should NOT be happening.
Once I correct them and show them the correct way to perform the exercise, they find they “can’t” get themselves into the correct position.
The culprit: HIP MOBILITY!
Don’t Make The Same Mistake As Everyone Else!
Squats are a natural movement pattern that is “hardwired” into our genetic blueprint. To not be able to squat, or deadlift, is to go against the natural makeup of our own DNA!
It’s crazy, but yet it is happening day by day to more and more people.
Why? What is doing all of this?
To be quite frank, it is our lifestyles. As I am writing this the average American sits for an average of 10 hours per day.
You might think to yourself, “well Anthony, who cares, what’s the big deal?”
Aside from the many physiological problems this causes, such as obesity and cardiovascular disease (CVD), sitting down for long periods of time cause tremendous damage to your mechanics. Especially hip mechanics.
The hips are the center of our bodies, this is where our center of gravity lies.If we lose range of motion here, then the rest of the body follows right behind it.
A lot of people don’t know this but most back problems people experience are not from having a “bad spine” or God forbid, “bad genetics”.
Most back problems are a direct result of poor hip mobility.
Not being able to get your hips into a good position in the squat and deadlift, when running or when moving your living room sofa put you at greater risk to injure your back.
Unless you address these problems where they originate, i.e. Hip Mobility, then injuries will be common.
It is for these reasons that I have created this course just for you!
No More Endless Searching….. Unleash The Power Of Your Hips!
Let’s face facts, the world we live in today moves so fast and it is not slowing down any time soon.
You are a busy person and want to get results AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!
There is so much information out there it would probably take you several lifetimes to get through all of it.
With my Hip Mobilizer Course: Flexibility & Performance With Less Pain you get all the information you will ever need for a lifetime of great hip mobility.
Plus since new discoveries are being made every single day, this course will get new information and techniques added to it regularly even after you purchased it with NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!
The best part is that you don’t have to be a young athletic superstar in order for this course to benefit you.
It works for any age!
I have used these techniques on clients as young as 16 and as old as 70. I have even used these techniques on people who have had hip and knee replacements.
In this course, you will learn:
- The special exercises I use on my most expensive clients to help relieve hip pain.
- Techniques for better hip mechanics to improve your squat and deadlift.
- The TRUTH behind stretching and what to do about it.
- How to incorporate hip mobility techniques into your current training program even if you have no idea where to start.
- How to set up and use EASILY AFFORDABLE tools to maximize your results.
- Learn what muscle groups protect your lower back almost instantly.
- Discover the sneaky hidden muscle that causes most lower back pain and what to do about it.
Let’s face it, you’re a very busy person and don’t have the luxury of endless time. You would like to learn this information as quickly as possible.
Since I really want you to succeed, upon signing up for the course you will receive a FREE PDF Workbook specifically for this course. This workbook will dramatically accelerate your learning process.
This course is not for everyone, but if you are:
- Fitness Enthusiast
- Personal Trainer
- Strength Coach
- High School Athlete
- Collegiate Athlete
- Weekend Warrior
- Active Hobbyist
- Health Enthusiast
- Anybody Who Wants To Improve The Quality Of Their Life
……..then enrolling in this course is essential!
Can You Afford Not To Look After Your Health?
Be sure to click “Enroll In Course” to make a serious improvement to your training.
Enroll Now before you miss out!
Your Instructor
Anthony is a fan of all things gym related. Growing up very overweight and out of shape, Anthony whipped himself into shape and stunned his entire community becoming a "fitness guru". Anthony then set his sights on strength sports (Weightlifting/Powerlifting/Strongman) and learned all about body mechanics, mobility work and injury prevention. Anthony found his true love in the strength sports, particularly Olympic Weightlifting. He earned a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from Fitchburg State University in Exercise and Sports Science. He is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the NSCA.
Course Curriculum
StartSection 2: Intro (0:45)
StartSection 2: The Difference Between Flexibility And Mobility (6:11)
StartSection 2: The Structure Of The Hip Part 1 (4:39)
StartSection 2: The Structure Of The Hip Part 2 (3:23)
StartSection 2: The Degrees Of Freedom Problem (2:20)
StartSection 2: The Mechanics Of The Hip Girdle (5:01)
StartSection 2: The Mechanics Of The Femur (7:25)
StartSection 2: How The Hip Affects The Foot (2:40)
StartSection 2: Movement & Mechanics Recap (0:44)
StartSection 2: Hip Musculature Part 1 (5:52)
StartSection 2: Hip Musculature Part 2 (7:51)
StartSection 2: Cheatsheet
StartSection 3: Intro (1:25)
PreviewSection 3: Tools You Will Need (6:24)
StartSection 3: JCM (10:37)
StartSection 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 1 (5:02)
StartSection 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 2 (5:40)
StartSection 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 3 (6:25)
StartSection 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 4 (5:56)
StartSection 3: Stretching The Psoas Part 1 (6:20)
StartSection 3: Stretching the Psaos Part 2 (5:20)
StartSection 3: The Pesky TFL Part 1 (6:40)
StartSection 3: The Pesky TFL Part 2 (2:24)
StartSection 3: Glute Activation Part 1 (7:35)
StartSection 3: Glute Activation Part 2 (2:31)
StartSection 3: Glute Activation Part 3 (4:03)
StartSection 3: Glute Activation Part 4 (9:53)
StartSection 3: Achieving Optimal Movement (3:42)
StartSection 3: Designing Your Mobility Program (5:40)
StartSection 3: Cheatsheet