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Hip Mobilizer Course
Section 1: Introduction
Section 1: Introduction (3:56)
Section 1: How To Get The Most Out Of This Course (3:03)
Section 1: Would You Please Introduce Yourself? (0:50)
Section 2: Why Hip Mobility Matters?
Section 2: Intro (0:45)
Section 2: The Difference Between Flexibility And Mobility (6:11)
Section 2: The Structure Of The Hip Part 1 (4:39)
Section 2: The Structure Of The Hip Part 2 (3:23)
Section 2: The Degrees Of Freedom Problem (2:20)
Section 2: The Mechanics Of The Hip Girdle (5:01)
Section 2: The Mechanics Of The Femur (7:25)
Section 2: How The Hip Affects The Foot (2:40)
Section 2: Movement & Mechanics Recap (0:44)
Section 2: Hip Musculature Part 1 (5:52)
Section 2: Hip Musculature Part 2 (7:51)
Section 2: Cheatsheet
Section 3: Let's Mobilize!
Section 3: Intro (1:25)
Section 3: Tools You Will Need (6:24)
Section 3: JCM (10:37)
Section 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 1 (5:02)
Section 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 2 (5:40)
Section 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 3 (6:25)
Section 3: Soft Tissue Work Part 4 (5:56)
Section 3: Stretching The Psoas Part 1 (6:20)
Section 3: Stretching the Psaos Part 2 (5:20)
Section 3: The Pesky TFL Part 1 (6:40)
Section 3: The Pesky TFL Part 2 (2:24)
Section 3: Glute Activation Part 1 (7:35)
Section 3: Glute Activation Part 2 (2:31)
Section 3: Glute Activation Part 3 (4:03)
Section 3: Glute Activation Part 4 (9:53)
Section 3: Achieving Optimal Movement (3:42)
Section 3: Designing Your Mobility Program (5:40)
Section 3: Cheatsheet
Section 4: Wrap Up
Section 4: Wrap Up & Thank You (1:29)
Section 2: How The Hip Affects The Foot
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